Monday, January 30, 2012

Image Bank: The Ancient Greeks

Here's a link to the image bank for the Ancient Greeks (as well as a few examples of work by the Egyptians).

Weekly Assignment: Collaborative Writing (Wk 2)

This week, you will collaborate with a group of classmates to compose and edit a description of a piece of ancient Greek sculpture. Please follow the instructions on the Google Document carefully.

Group 1: Minju, Hannah, Cacia

Group 2: Ava, Turner, Grete, Emily

Group 3: Ryan, Hye Jin, Sang Eun

Group 4: Skylar, Andrew, Ji Yoon

Group 5: Nikki, Eun Gee, John

Monday, January 23, 2012

Weekly Assignment: Recreate an Image (Wk 1)

Recreate one of these images with members of the WH community. Try not to use students from this class. You may show your models the image and you are responsible for coaching them on how and where to pose. Two things to keep in mind:
1. Pay close attention to the original. Include whatever elements you decide are most important.
2. Be creative. Think about fun combinations of people and interesting settings.
Once you've taken the picture, follow this link to upload it. Due Monday, January 30th. Email Jason with any technical difficulties.

Manet, The Balcony

 Vermeer, The Love Letter
Degas, Awaiting the Cue

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Welcome to Art History

Welcome to the Art History blog! This site will be a venue for much of our work together this semester. Weekly assignments and review materials will be posted here. This is also where you will do much of your work by responding to art and ideas in writing, in online discussions with your classmates. You are expected to check this blog regularly to get assignments and to participate in the online discussions and tasks.

If you ever have questions about an assignment or have technical difficulties with the site, contact me as soon as possible.

The syllabus for the course and the assignment calendar for the first two weeks will be distributed in class and are available here if you need them.