Watch the video, view some of his works, and read the excerpt of the NY Times Magazine article on Hembrey (handout distributed in class). Then, respond to the following...
Here are two quotations from the comments stream at
"This is brilliant, it challenges us to think about what art is. Surely one of the most important functions of contemporary art. The entire work is both playful and incisive and each piece is beautifully skilled and crafted."What do you think? Do you agree with either of the comments above? Is it art? Who gets to say?
"I don't know which of the following three facts is more depressing: 1. The fact that this guy can produce something so utterly flippant, facile, superficial, trite and inauthentic with such obsessiveness and then present it with a bit of camp showmanship; or 2. the fact that it is lapped up with such enthusiasm by an audience on TED; or 3. the fact that it is presented on a forum like TED at all. It's profoundly sad."