Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Weekly Assignment: Writing about an image (Wk 3)

Select one portion of one of the images below. Include this cropped selection in a word document (see Jason if you face technical difficulties). Bring this to class on Thursday. (I have included a higher resolution version of the first image).

The Effect of Good Government in the Country

The Effect of Good Government in the City

Steps & Guidelines
First, sketch the piece you have selected and collect thorough observations in notes and freewriting.

The writing you turn in should be one paragraph that isolates and describes 2-3 key patterns or features. It will be 250-350 words long. Don't think of your writing as a substitute for seeing the art work; consider it an aid to seeing, an introduction to thinking about the work. Do not consult any outside sources for this assignment.

Bring a printed out draft of your paragraph to class on Friday for discussion and editing. Turn this in by emailing it to Jason as an attachment before class time on Monday, February 13.

Click here to view an example of the finished product.