Monday, April 2, 2012

Weekly Assignment: More Recreation

Step 1: Recreate this image
Recreate this image with members of the WH community. Try not to use students from this class. You may show your models the image and you are responsible for coaching them on how and where to pose. Two things to keep in mind:
1. Pay close attention to the original. Include whatever elements you decide are most important.
2. Be creative. Think about fun combinations of people and interesting settings.
Once you've taken the picture, follow this link to upload it. Email Jason with any technical difficulties.

Step 2: Write a brief response (Aim for 150-250 words)

Look at your photograph and the original side-by-side. How are they related and how are they different? What has Step 1 caused you to notice about the painting? What conclusions can you draw about it? Paste your response below your image.